Hi! You have stumbled upon the semi-cohesive ramblings that make up my bucket list! While I cannot promise you that i will achieve everything on this list and then post about it in a timely manner- I CAN promise you with almost utmost certainty that the list will change. often. And why not? Doesn't life change? And with it our goals and hopes and dreams... as well as our circumstances and abilities? Let me start over... Hi! This is a list of thingsthat i will attempt to accomplish and then write about! I hope you enjoy my journey. There will be lots of detours, i am sure, and since i am not really sure of the destination- then one can only hope i will know it when i get there!
And while i am so excited at the idea of someone reading this- this blog is- in all actuality- for me! So editing will be minimal, grammatical errors will be great, and the therapy that is writing will be had. :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Taking the time.....

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...to be a better mom everyday! This is something that at first I thought would not be on a bucket list- but really- shouldn't it be on every parents list no matter how big or little your kids are? We can all be better parents and I think we should strive for it. One of my biggest flaws in the parenting department is lack of patience. Since I know this about myself- I try to keep myself in check. Noah was being really fussy and whiny and my knee jerk reaction was to snap at him and make him nap. I am so proud of myself that I took a deep breath and took the time to see what the problem was. Well- he had always been on a certain schedule since he was in day care- and now that he wasn't - it was throwing a wrench in his day. He also was used to always having a brother or friend at school to play with.The good thing about daycare is that kids learn to share- the drawback is that they lose the ability to entertain themselves for more than ten minutes. So that is something that we are going to work on- but not something that i can expect Noah to be able to do immediately. So instead of naps- I took a deep breath and decided that the housework could wait-and played with my child. :) We made home-made bubbles, and used spatulas as the bubble wands. It was really windy outside- so it was the perfect day. We dipped the the spatulas into gumbo pot filled with our home made solution of dawn, water, and a little green coloring (Noah's favorite color). The we spun around- and crazy bubbles went everywhere. Noah had a blast. It was great to watch him Take the spatula- and after the bubbles landed on the grass- squish them. :) When the rain started- we moved the bubble part onto the patio- and the pot became the ocean for his power rangers to swim in. By the time we were done- he was in a happy mood the rest of the day.

Something doesn't have to be huge to be on your bucket list, sometimes the little things are as important as the big ones. If i thought i was going to die tomorrow, then spending more time with my children would be more important than running a marathon anyway.

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